Detachment is Forgivenss. Really !! Wow. That is news. More on this later.
Maybe loneliness implies detachment. This is not what an old comment on this blog says. It says loners are basically asocial beings with some hidden grudge in thier minds. I don't think so. May be there are loners of that version out there. But detachment is the phrase that has been on my mind for some days now. The true meaning of detachment is way beyond me. Embracing emotions, experiences. I don't know. May there is something in that.
No sweetheart, you cannot sleep for a month and then wake up to a new world. Things would still be the same. All the drudgery, all the sickening violence all the meaningless noises of life would still be there.
So that is not the solution. You are a brave girl. But after reading your blog, the last few entries in particular, I feel you need a break. Can you equate sleep with a break and go away on a vacation, a much deserved vacation? That might help.
Be happy again, rain. Life is not infinite. There are limits to what we can do just as there are limits to what we can endure. You are a friendly person, and I am sure you can be happy. In spite of reality.
As a member of the loner's club, you are aware that reality has this sick habit of poking its nose into a person's life for no good reason. That can't be helped.
All that apart, rain, thanks for commenting again. I kind of missed you, you know.
Thank you for understanding and for your support! I greatly appreciate the shoulder you've given me. When I read your comment, it warmed my heart. Yes, I do need a vaction. I have one scheduled in July, but nowhere to go.
When I went to the movies with Sarah and Krista, I actually remembered (for a bit) what it felt like to go out and have fun.
I am trying to be happy again. It's so hard though, but I guess I have to keep trying, or try another medication. LOL
Thank you for being there for me. I'm always here for you. It's too bad you don't live in the States.
Be careful out there.