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Is theology a contardiction in terms ? Is it possible for a mere mortal to study God. I wonder, like so many before me, how any one can be arrogant enough to think that God, if it exists, can be comprehended by man. I woud have thought that by definition God is incomprehensible. So any study in that direction is futile and bound to fail.


Anonymous said…
Nice to see you back, Loner. :-)

Human beings cannot in our finite mind ever comprehend an infinite God. He is the creator and we are the creation. He is outside of time, we aren't. Just think....He spoke and created the world.
Pradeep VM said…
rain!! It is so nice to have you back old friend. I missed you rather rather badly. I have been to your blog many times, and even added a comment or two. Not thta I have been quite upto date with my blogging!

Of late I have been spending quite some time wondering about the entity GOD. Maybe that is a natural sequel to being a loner, huh?

So, how are you doing?
Anonymous said…
Hi Loner.
I hope you are doing well. And I truly mean that. I just started posting recently. Work has been VERY busy, as Philly has been noted murder capital of the U.S., a title I'm not happy about.
Also, my family is going through their share of problems. I've been trying to help, but sometimes things just look so dim.

Other than that, I haven't been doing much, just going through the motions...
Pradeep VM said…
I know what you mean, going through the motions.. There really isn't much else one could do. But I am sure you will do fine, Rain. Life can't be that mean to a kind person like you.

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